Divi Modules

Unlock the Power of Creativity with 60+ Fresh Divi Modules

Functional Modules

Modal Popup

Ajax Search


Content Toggle

Divi Vertical Tabs

Divi Blog Timeline

Testimonial Grid

Form Styler

Gravity Form Styler

Business Hours

WooCommerce Modules

Products Carousel
For Woo

Products Grid

Design Modules

Flip Box

Advanced Button

Text Highlighter

Text Animator

Fancy Heading

Fancy Text



Price List


SEO Modules

How-to Schema

FAQPage Schema

Star Rating


Slider Modules

Blog Slider

Logo Slider

Testimonial Slider

Image Card Slider

Team Slider

Image Modules

Image Accordion

Image Hotspot

Image Mask

Image Card

Image Magnifier

Floating Image

Image Card

Tilt Image

Masonry Gallery

Before After Slider

Social Media Modules

FB Embedded Post

FB Embedded Video

Facebook Share

Facebook Like

Facebook Page


Twitter Tweet Button

Twitter Timeline

Twitter Embedded

Twitter Follow Button

Level up your Divi design using our Divi modules today. Our Divi modules are highly aligned with Divi; thus, you’d find them super easy to use and effective. Each module provides multiple customization options to tweak your design from different angles. If you're missing something in your design right now, then with these Divi modules, you won't – forever.

Get Access to Growing 60+ Modules, 4 Extensions,
80+ Child Themes, 60+ Templates and 250+ Sections for Just One Price!


What are the Divi modules? (Divi Modules Overview)

Divi Modules are the building blocks of a Divi design created using Divi Builder. Just as Gutenberg Editor has several blocks, the Divi Builder works around Divi Modules. Using the drag and drop builder, you can place Divi modules anywhere on the site and build an outstanding design. For different web designing needs, there’s a separate Divi module. For example, you can use the Divi Image module to add an image. Likewise, the Divi Plus plugin includes over 50 Divi modules that boost the functionality of the Divi Builder.

Are there any free Divi modules available?

With Divi Plus, you get several free resources that fulfill your need to use a free Divi module to finish the project quickly. You get free child themes, starter templates, and hundreds of design sections. Thus, you won’t require any free Divi module.

What are the WooCommerce Divi Modules Available?

If you’re using WooCommerce with Divi, then you can utilize the WooCommerce Divi Modules to improve your Divi WooCommerce store’s style. The available WooCommerce Divi Modules are - WooCommerce Carousel, WooCommerce Products, and Woo Products Categories.

Do I have to Keep WooCommerce to Use WooCommerce Divi Modules?

To Use WooCommerce Divi Modules, you must keep the WooCommerce plugin installed and activated.

Can I disable the divi modules that I don't want to use?

Yes, you can. Go to Settings → Divi Plus → General → uncheck the modules you don’t want to use, and then click Save Changes. To learn more, visit the documentation.

Can I Export Divi Modules?

You cannot export Divi Modules; however, you can export the design you’ve created with them. Learn more from here.

How to Create a Clickable Carousel of Divi Modules?

There are different Divi Modules that allow you to create a clickable carousel of various kinds. Using the Logo Slider module, you can build a Divi Logo Carousel. With the help of WooCommerce Slider, you can make a product carousel in Divi. Likewise, the Blog Slider, Testimonial Slider, and Team Slider Divi Modules allow you to build carousels for blog posts, client reviews, and team members. In addition, if you need a Divi carousel to showcase different images, you can use the Image Card Carousel module to achieve that.